Community Engagement Team
Living Together Box
BRMC Community Engagement Team decided to continue delivery of the Living Together Box service, to assist multicultural families facing a tougher situation due to the COVID-19 lockdown. We delivered fresh vegetables, fruits and daily necessities to families in need on 1 and 8 June.
There is no doubt that there are still many people of migrant, refugee or asylum seeker backgrounds who need help due to the repeated COVID-19 lockdown situations since last year. We sincerely hope that the community’s help for them will continue, and the recipients’ situation will improve.
For further information, contact the Community Engagement Team:
Developing Our Children Together Program
Early Parenting Workshops and Multicultural Playgroup
The Developing Our Children Together early parenting workshops, originally scheduled for 4 June, were postponed due to the COVID-19 lockdown. The direction of the program will be determined according to the future COVID situation, and further information will be delivered to parents who want to participate.
For the Multicultural Playgroup, we hosted an online multicultural playgroup via Zoom on Thursday 3 June, instead of the standard face-to-face playgroup. We had an enjoyable time with parents and children for 30 minutes: singing and dancing together, and storytelling time. Depending on the situation of COVID-19 restriction in the future, the online playgroup will be extended or changed to the face-to-face playgroup.
We are also delighted to support new playgroups and workshops by the Ballarat Malayalee Association. They are holding a ‘Workshop for Parents’ on 3 July.
For further information about DOCT workshops or Multicultural Playgroup, please contact Heeyoung: 0410 760 618 or
Student placement in the BRMC Community Engagement Team

Eva Lineker
“My name is Eva Lineker and I am a second year Bachelor of Human and Community Services student at Federation University. I have just completed a 3-week placement alongside the Community Engagement Team at BRMC. Working with the Community Engagement Team, I was able to observe and learn from all the amazing projects BRMC facilitate to enhance the lives of diverse community members in Ballarat. It is incredible how kind-hearted and welcoming everyone at BRMC is, during my short time with the organisation I was made to feel a part of the team. I really appreciate all the help and support I have received at BRMC and want to especially thank Heeyoung for the opportunity to learn and grow here.”
Community Volunteers: Migrant English Program

Meet Dale Dumpleton, MEP Tutor. With her meticulous planning and supportive attitude, Dale has helped her student improve the skills and confidence to achieve her professional goals.
“I met a young woman with English as her fourth language towards the end of last year via a Zoom introduction, hosted by Sara. She wanted to prepare for the IELTS English language test in order to gain entry to a university course.
Due to the pandemic, we generally meet weekly online, and there is usually some homework for her in between times. The sessions with her are currently centred on using the practice tests we access through Ballarat Library. Homework flows from gaps identified in the practice tests, her interests and our conversations. It may involve finding the meaning of something; a written assignment; or more recently, reporting on a self selected episode of the 7.30 Report, shown on ABC TV. This latter task is to develop her general knowledge of current affairs.
I am inspired by her motivation to study on top of her day job and health issues she is dealing with. I think I can say that we both enjoy our sessions, laughing and sharing a bit of ourselves.”
To participate / volunteer with the Migrant English Program, contact Sarabjit at
Diversity Homework Club
Meet Tahsina
Tahsina Tasnim is a long-term volunteer and has joined the team as Diversity Homework Club Assistant. She put together STEM activity kits on ‘germination’ that were delivered on 27 May.
Diversity Homework Club is a welcoming community of students and tutors from diverse backgrounds. We are delighted to see our students actively participate in the learning activities, whether it’s writing poems, debating or reading to win Good Reader awards. Here’s an insight into the fun learning community:
Diversity Homework Club Poem
Homework Club is so much fun
It is always number one.
We always have a word of the day
And we love to play.
There is always a fun fact
That could be about a bat.
We really enjoy the math
But we don't wear hats or don't see bats.
We all play Bingo!
We never say no.
We think of all the numbers
But never, never, cucumbers!!!
We have rules
That are very cool.
I love the reading
There's always a greeting.
I love the spelling words
But they're never in a herd.
Written by: Maker, Lul, Nyamar, Nyador, Bryan and Kartie

“I am very happy and honoured to be a part of Diversity Homework Club. It helps me throughout my learning and gives me extra practice of what I learn at school. It also teaches me new things like writing poems. We play fun games and gain knowledge of fun facts. All the tutors help me understand well so I can complete the task. DHC has boosted my selfconfidence too. Thank you DHC for having me.”
– Sarah Hussain, DHC student
Watch ‘A Better Place’
A collaborative offering of love and hope, put together by the DHC family under the able tutelage of George and Geoffrey Williams of Virtual Soul Choir:
For more information about the Diversity Homework Club, contact Sarabjit at
Social Support
We celebrated Croatia at Multicultural Tucker for the month of May! 105 Social Support clients enjoyed a delicious Croatian cuisine with the very entertaining Joe Parks on the Piano Accordion.
June Social Support Programs
Some of our June programs have been postponed due to COVID-19 restrictions. We thank our clients for their patience in this ever-changing environment.
Tai Chi: June 22, 1pm – 2pm ($5)
Bus Trip (Bendigo): Thursday 24 June ($40)
Multicultural Tucker (Italian): Wednesday 30 June, 12pm – 3pm ($10)
All programs are held at Victoria Bowling Club, 231 Victoria St, Ballarat East (enter via Stawell St N). Bookings essential.
If you know someone who would benefit from BRMC Social Support Services, contact Teresa on 0417 109 052 or
Become a Digital Mentor
Support people from migrant and refugee backgrounds to increase their confidence to use technology. You don’t need to be an IT expert to become a mentor – if you currently use a computer/laptop, smart device and the internet on a regular basis, this volunteering opportunity is for you!
If you are interested, please contact Heeyoung on 0410 760 618 or

Miniroos Soccer Program
The second session of this year’s Miniroos program (2 July) will have Hakeem and Stephen, highly experienced football facilitators from Football Victoria, run our session which will feature mini games and skill based drills.
For more information please contact or 0413 572 541.