Ballarat Welcome Centre
On Monday 10 May, Michaela Settle MP announced that BRMC will receive a $65,700 grant to upgrade the Ballarat Welcome Centre.
The works will include painting and repairs, making the bluestone stairwell accessible, installing new security locks and transforming the hall and foyers into creative spaces, where art can be created or exhibited, and can also be used as community and cultural events.
BRMC Women’s Business Incubator Launch
With room for meetings, workshops, training, consultations, business incubation and events, the Women’s Business Incubator is dedicated to supporting the aspirations of our community’s women toward autonomy and financial well-being.
Friday 28th May, 12pm
Ballarat Welcome Centre, 25-39 Barkly St, Ballarat

Stepping Stones Graduation
Finally, the skies are clear and doors open so we can gather to celebrate all of the wonderful women who came together and thrived through the inaugural Ballarat Stepping Stones to Small Business Program!
On Friday, 28 May from 12pm we will honour the women who helped pioneer the inaugural Ballarat Stepping Stones Program, and celebrate the spirit that has sustained multiple micro-enterprises despite the restrictions of the COVID period.
Friday 28th May, 12pm
Ballarat Welcome Centre, 25-39 Barkly St, Ballarat

Community Engagement Team
Developing Our Children Together program
We had a great session with Louise Buckle-Smith (Playgroup Victoria) and Rebecca Marsh (BRMC Thrive Garden Project). Thank you very much for providing such a wonderful session!
We invite you to join Group B of our program – starting Friday 28 May
Ballarat Welcome Centre, 25-39 Barkly St, Ballarat
7 sessions: May 28 | June 4, 11, 18, 25 | July 16, 23
Time: 10am – 12pm
If you need further information or want to join, please contact Community Engagement Team Leader, Heeyoung on 0410 760 618 or
Living Together Box
The community’s warm attention has been drawn to the ‘Living Together Box’ service that is run for people who have migrant, refugee, and asylum seeker backgrounds in need during COVID-19. In this newsletter, we would like to share some warm news that helped support this program in April.
First, we would like to thank Ballarat Community Health and Foodbank for providing the Farms to Families Market tickets to our recipients. These tickets were delivered with our Living Together Boxes on 11 May, and they will have the opportunity to visit the market on 20 May to receive fresh food once again.
We also received a beautiful handmade blanket from Alison, a client of BRMC Social Support, which we donated to a family. The family expressed deep gratitude with a bright smile when presented with a warm and beautiful blanket.
Once again, we thank the Ballarat Italian Association and Victorian Government for supporting this program.
Multicultural Playgroup
During our Developing Our Children Together workshops, participating parents expressed their desire to further develop their children’s physical, social, cultural and mental wellbeing in our conversations and surveys, and hoped for creative and practical multicultural early childhood programs. To fulfil such needs of multicultural parents, we will start the Multicultural Playgroup on 4 June.
By participating in the BRMC Multicultural Playgroup, multicultural children can interact with other multicultural children in the region and thus absorb cultural diversity naturally. This allows the children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength. Furthermore, parents can improve parenting skills through programs and as a result help the formation of positive relationships between multicultural parents and their children.
Join our Multicultural Playgroup – for multicultural parents with children under 5.
Every Thursday from 3rd June, 10am – 11.30am (during school terms)
Ballarat Welcome Centre, 25-39 Barkly St, Ballarat
Contact Heeyoung on 0410 760 618 or

Good Governance Program
The Good Governance program offers free mentoring support to community organisations, cultural groups and associations looking for governance and compliance advice.

Free Good Governance Webinar – all are welcome to join!
Topic: Conducting effective board meetings
Date: Thursday 27 May
Time: 7pm – 8.30pm
RSVP: Sally at
Zoom Meeting ID: 832 2422 4151
Passcode: 529916
Questions? Contact Sarabjit at
Community Volunteers: Migrant English Program
Kudos to our volunteer tutors who work tirelessly to empower their students from migrant refugee backgrounds find better employment and social opportunities.

Meet Kathleen, MEP tutor:
“In 2020, I ran weekly sessions tutoring my student on Zoom. While I was the teacher, I was also a learner. I had some experience of the Zoom platform, and I had much to learn. The bright greeting from the woman I was tutoring and her laugh when we got it wrong kept me going. Thank you, my country student. Teaching English was fine; explaining how to share the screen on Zoom had its problems. To get around this, I emailed worksheets ahead and both of us were happy. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. I enjoyed my time preparing PowerPoint presentations. Another thing: I didn’t need to leave home, and that was important during lockdown.”
To participate or volunteer with the Migrant English Program, contact Sarabjit at
Diversity Homework Club
We are delighted to welcome our new Peer Tutors Meg, Arian and Xiang. They attended an Orientation Training session and enjoyed participating in the DHC activities on 5 May 2021.
A BIG ‘Congratulations!’ to our shining stars – the winners of the Reading Awards! We are proud of you!
Gold Award | Bronze Award | Appreciation |
Ankita Hari Jinup Lual Kartie Neelavannan Lam Tor Nivethaa Neelavannan Rachel Chol Nivashini Neelavannan | Bryan Nguyen | Martha Tuany Mat Gach Nyamuoch Keat Nyarout Nyaziel Nending Nyamar Maker Shreeya Maheshwari Amal Hari Luak Nyaruom Gach Sarah Hussein |

Meet Heather Stewart, DHC Tutor:
“I have been a tutor for BRMC Diversity Homework Club for around four years. Although I believed that I was going to attempt to teach and help the students, I too learnt a lot and felt truly needed. I am impressed by the homework club children’s eagerness to learn or understand the task at hand, their need for guidance and am inspired by their love of learning and life. Tutoring DHC students has boosted my pride, in the knowledge that I have been a small part of the children’s educational journey.”
For more information about the Diversity Homework Club, contact Sarabjit at
School’s Out! Creative Workshops
During their first in-person Creative Workshops, held over the Term 1 School Holidays, Diversity Homework Club students collaborated in fashioning a fabulously colourful and lively WELCOME sign for the BRMC Welcome Centre.
Fabricated from recycled paper and lots of bling, this sign truly reflects the vibrant, varied and multi-hued nature of our BRMC community.

Social Support
Our Social Support Team are seeking VOLUNTEERS
Meet one of our valued volunteers Linda…
Linda joined BRMC, keen to get more involved in supporting people from diverse backgrounds. Over this time, she has assisted at our Welcome Centre Reception: greeting visitors, advising on services and resources, and providing administrative support.
More recently, Linda has focused her energies on supporting the Senior clients of the Social Support team: driving particularly vulnerable Seniors to and from events, enabling them to participate in social activities, and assisting at events with serving meals and clearing up.
Linda describes what motivates her, “I love working with Seniors and people from rich and diverse cultural backgrounds and sharing their stories. I think ‘hands on’ direct and practical contact with the clients is so rewarding and enriching.”
BRMC regards Linda as an integral and invaluable member – we could not do it without you!
If you are interested in volunteering with us, contact Teresa on 0417 109 052 or
May Programs
Tai Chi: May 4, 11, 18 & 25, 1pm – 2pm ($5)
Multicultural Tucker (Croatian): Wednesday 12 May, 12pm – 3pm ($10)
Social Hub: Thursday 20 May, 1pm – 3pm ($5)
Seasonal Lunch: Wednesday 26 May, 12pm – 2pm ($10)
All programs are held at Victoria Bowling Club, 231 Victoria St, Ballarat East. Bookings essential.
Digital Mentor Program
Did you know that 2.5 million Australians don’t have basic digital skills to thrive in today’s world? If you or someone you know needs help with technology – Join BRMC’s FREE Digital Mentor program!
Contact Heeyoung on 03 5383 0613 or to register.